There are two ways to consolidate bills and other unsecured loans. First method is to take a secured loan and pay all the unsecured ones. In the secured loans the lender has to keep a fixed property in a mortgage. One can also keep any valuable asset as collateral and make their loan secure. The provider will offer borrower a repayment plan which is to be paid in small installments with less interest rate as compared to the unsecured loans.
The second option is to consolidate the bills via debt settlement. In this method, a customer doesn’t have to pay his debts separately. For debt settlement, a customer doesn’t have to take the loan as such companies take their major payment from consumer and then they share it to a lender company. The consumer doesn’t have to pay to all the lenders one by one. The settlement companies will internally divide the payment in different parts which are to be given to organization. Thus the consolidation process works in this manner. The consumer credit counselors will explain the complete procedures to the debtors. It’s very easy for a debtor to make one payment instead of paying it to different lenders.
In the debt consolidation if a person is taking loan to pay his credit card debts than he is again bringing risk at his home. With the unsecured debts, the risk is on the lenders side while in the secured loans, the risk is on the consumer’s side. Thus in secured loans, one can easily get low interest debt consolidation but if something goes wrong than the borrower has to suffer more. His collateral is one risk, if he cannot pay back his mortgage on time and this can make the condition even worse.